Friday, January 11, 2008

Dear 'Crusading Against Reverse Dyslexia'

Thank God for your vital reverse dyslexic support. I have a true story to relate to your members that maybe they can relate to too. Sorry, I’m nervous.

Last month I was browsing at a flea market when I stumbled across a creepy old lady selling used diaphragms that belonged to Raquel Welch. Shaking with anticipation that these would perfectly compliment my collection of Madonna’s pap smears and used Drew Carey condoms, I wanted desperately to buy them, but fumbled with my words.

As I thought to myself, “Must have the diaphragms no matter what the cost,” I then told the woman that I wanted to buy the diaphragms. Thank goodness she still wanted to sell them to me after that fiasco.

And thank goodness for this Reverse Dyslexics group, as I feel better already just getting this off my chest and getting this off my chest. Sorry, still nervous.


Jennifer Carpet, 28, Chicago (the windy city that’s windy)

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