Wednesday, November 07, 2007


He’s a jet setting fashion photographer that gets paid a ludicrous amount of money to travel the world taking pictures of the hottest chicks in the latest designer outfits. Maybe because he wears fitted denim, the Paco Camino Man has an endless stream of horny models begging to crash with him after the shoot. Perhaps it’s the intriguing designer knit ascot, wide-collared psychedelic print rayon shirt, or the wild stallion belt buckle, but the Paco Camino man always seems to capture the all-important money shot under deadline. Totally in danger of spontaneously combusting from a Spinal Tap-type coolness, legend would have it that he’s obviously hung like his estranged uncle who still travels the country in the sweetest custom van ever. “Ass, grass, or gas, no one rides for free.” Words to live by indeed, Paco Camino Man.

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