Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bullshit or Not! May 26, 2009 album releases

Every week dozens of strange bands release CDs with strange titles to attract listeners. Guess which five are legit and which five are bullshit:

1. Master Musicians Of Bukkake, Totem One
2. Acid Mothers Temple, Glorify Astrological Martyrdom
3. Disembowelment Decapitation, All Hail the Headless Analbots
4. Shawskank Redemption, Pinching Loaves For God
5. Jimmy Dumbass, Watch Us Fail Miserably
6. Shitmat, One Foot In The Grave
7. Bury Your Dead, It’s Nothing Personal
8. Garden Weasel Incident, Let Us Never Speak Of This Again
9. The Manure Heads, Shit For Brains
10. Black Moth Super Rainbow, Eating Us

1. Master Musicians Of Bukkake, Totem One
2. Acid Mothers Temple, Glorify Astrological Martyrdom
6. Shitmat, One Foot In The Grave
7. Bury Your Dead, It’s Nothing Personal
10. Black Moth Super Rainbow, Eating Us

3. Disembowelment Decapitation, All Hail the Headless Analbots
4. Shawskank Redemption, Pinching Loaves For God
5. Jimmy Dumbass, Watch Us Fail Miserably
8. Garden Weasel Incident, Let Us Never Speak Of This Again
9. The Manure Heads, Shit For Brains

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