Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bullshit or Not! March 10, 2009 album releases

Every week dozens of strange bands release CDs with strange titles to attract listeners. Guess which five are legit and which five are bullshit:

1. The Number 12 Looks Like You, Worse Than Alone
2. Black Cock, Robot Child With A God Complex
3. Turd Ferguson, Up Yours Trebek!
4. New Budapest Orpheum Society, Jewish Cabaret In Exile
5. Fake Problems, How Far Our Bodies Can Go
6. Ratburger, Batshit For Guano
7. Mouth Milkshake, Coming To the Party In Your Mouth
8. Slub, Whack Job
9. This Town Needs Guns, Animals
10. Smack Dab, In The Middle Of Nowhere

1. The Number 12 Looks Like You, Worse Than Alone
2. Black Cock, Robot Child With A God Complex
4. New Budapest Orpheum Society, Jewish Cabaret In Exile
5. Fake Problems, How Far Our Bodies Can Go
9. This Town Needs Guns, Animals

3. Turd Ferguson, Up Yours Trebek!
6. Ratburger, Batshit For Guano
7. Mouth Milkshake, Coming To the Party In Your Mouth
8. Slub, Whack Job
10. Smack Dab, In The Middle Of Nowhere

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